Each Page A FunctionDesigner(s)
Raphaël BastideTool(s)
saddlestitch / loop stitchFormat
VistaprintPrint run
50 copiesPublisher
LeMégot éditionsCategory
FrancePrinting technique
laser / copierDescription
This project gathers two productions: an online app and a zine.
The online app is designed to experiment drawing under constraints, to help to develop a new graphical language and go beyond automatisms. It is free to use, download and modify.
The zine Each Page A Function has been made with a custom version of the web app, by its author Raphaël Bastide. It is an “exercise de style” putting together a series of digital drawing tools (previously developed) and drawings, made within the app use session. This publication aims to show programming without showing code and tries to introduce a new way to consider drawing through the collaboration between the human hand and the computer; The influence of the tool’s constraints leading to new aesthetics and narratives consequences in each drawing and each programmed functions. Each Page A Function is made only with free software, open-source fonts, and standard web technologies. No proprietary software was used during the design, the development and the PDF export of the book. Instead, a simple HTML / PHP / Javascript / print CSS workflow was used to generate the pages and export it for print. This simple custom toolkit allowed different use of the core concept: for example, an interactive installation was made during the Festival Fanzines! 2019 in Montreuil, allowing visitors to draw and print on-site and for free their fanzine. This fork of Each Page A Function, called Dessin++, were adapted for every age, for live projection, and for limited drawing times. The interface of Dessin++ can be found here: https://raphaelbastide.com/dessinplusplus/
The code of Each Page A Function is under GNU General Public License, allowing this project to be reused, studied, and modified.