

What is PrePostPrint exactly?

PrePostPrint wants to gather those working with experimental publishing techniques and to help to make their projects and tools more accessible.

PrePostPrint is a label and a website aiming to promote graphic objects and resources in line with the following characteristics:


The graphic object is crafted within an experimental or unusual approach with alternative, hacked or DIY tools, made in a certain context constrained by its economy, its emergency or its collaborative nature.

Free Software

The tools used to make the object and if it is possible, the content of the object itself, are published under a free (software) license.


The object is documented according to the PrePostPrint criteria, then published on the website

Where you can find us

About this website


Within PrePostPrint, a maintenance group has been formed to re-imagine how the initiative works. This maintainance group was formed in October 2022 at an event organised by Varia (Publishing Partyline) in Rotterdam, and is now working on re-imagining its orientations.

In 2024, the maintainers are: Antoine Fauchié, Kiara Jouhanneau, Quentin Juhel, Martin Lemaire, Zeste Le Reste, Alex Roidl, Nicolas Taffin and Julien Taquet.

This group is in charge of the following tasks:

  • maintaining the infrastructure: the website and its server, the Element chat, the e-mail exchanges and the mailing list, the Mastodon account, and any other tool that the maintainers would feel a need to have
  • defining/maintaining the orientations: the politics and the philosophy at the core of PrePostPrint

So far, this group follows these guidelines:

  • The group of maintainers is made of 10 individuals max
  • The maintainers commit for a rotation of 12 months
  • Every 6 months, a health check is done during a real life meeting
  • Every 12 months a call is made for inviting people to be part of the maintainers group. During this event, the maintainers can step down from their position to leave room for other maintainers who would like to join. A documentation of that event is published

We're currently working on all this; it’s an ongoing process.